Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect for my first appointment?
Please check in with the reception and fill out your intake paperwork. Each family member in attendance should fill out his or her own forms. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill out the paperwork so that filling out paperwork does not cut into your time with your counselor.
How long are therapy sessions?

Individual Therapy sessions are 50 minutes and Couple and Family sessions are 75 minutes long.

How often will I attend therapy sessions?

Your counselor will work with you to develop a plan that best fits your individual needs.

If I want to bring my child in for therapy, do I have to attend too?
If you would like to bring your child in for therapy, at least one parent or guardian must be in attendance.


Can you provide a mental health evaluation for court purposes?

We are unable to provide this service.

Do you have a practitioner who can prescribe medications?

We do not provide this service. To find a practitioner who is covered by your insurance, please call your insurance company.

What do I need to bring with me on my first appointment?

We do not ask for insurance cards or personal identifications.

What are your hours?
Our counselors try to be accommodating and may have limited availability during unconventional hours. You will need to discuss this with your counselor.


What happens if I miss an appointment?

It is customary that you give 24 hours notice if you will be missing an appointment.  You may be charged for the missed or cancelled session if you do not follow this request.  You will discuss these arrangements with your counselor.

What will my first appointment be like?
It is important to consider that each counselor brings to the session his or her own style of meeting people.  However, the goal will be for the counselor to first get an understanding of why you are coming in for counseling and secondly making every effort to get to know you in a shortened period of time.  Just by understanding this, you might put yourself at ease knowing that there is no hidden agenda.  The counselors will also try to get a sense of what your life is like in the present and also gather information about your past.
This first appointment is also a time for you to ask your counselor any questions you might have about the process of therapy.  It really is an opportunity for you to get to know each other and consider the process of working together.


Will I get to choose my counselor?
If you request a specific counselor you will be able to set an appointment with the counselor.  If that counselor is not able to see you, you may choose to wait for an appointment or be referred to another counselor at Compassion Counseling.  If you do not ask specifically for someone, Compassion Counseling will try to match you with a counselor based on the reason for calling and time.
Sometimes the time you have available may not match with the time a counselor has available.  If you are flexible with your schedule you increase the likelihood of being able to work with a particular counselor.


How will I know if my counselor is a good match for me?

First and most importantly does the counselor have training and experience working with someone who has your same concerns or problems.  Take time to read each counselor’s description on the page marked “Our Staff.”  It will offer you some ideas about who might be best for you to work with.
If you have chosen a counselor and after meeting with her have questions about whether they are a good match or not, it would be important to bring that to your next session.  Your counselor will help you clarify any concerns or uncertainties you may have and if you choose will assist you in finding another counselor who would better meet your needs.
Most people feel comfortable with their counselor by the end of the 1st appointment.  If you don’t we ask that you meet for several times to see if you feel more of a connection.  If you don’t we will be happy to transfer to another counselor.